Ain’t nobody got time for walking pneumonia or the boogie woogie flu! Pun intended, by the way. Although no where near as dangerous as the regular pneumonia, it does not come without its own risks. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is sickness can be transmitted easily and becomes more severe in those that are vulnerable. So, for the love of God, please coverup the garbage disposal of mouth if you are sick!
What is Walking Pneumonia
Walking pneumonia, also known as atypical pneumonia, is a milder form of pneumonia that typically allows patients to continue their daily activities without being hospitalized. Atypical intracellular pathogens Chlamydia pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae often cause walking pneumonia.
What are the Symptoms
- A relatively mild fever. Also called a low-grade fever by the quack you call a doctor.
- The fact your lazy ass can still go to work or rear your Neanderthal children without too much trouble.
- A cough that does not involve you spewing up nasty bodily fluids or a lung. Dudes with stethoscopes call this a non-productive cough.
Is it Dangerous?
I know you skipped basic health and biology classes in high school because the community bong was calling your name, so let me help you out. Yes, it can be deadly, and this is how.
- Visiting Grandma or your sick Uncle Bob while you are still a festering bag of disease allows for easy transmissions because of compromised immunity and old age. So, don’t be an asshole; STAY HOME!
- Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Severe pneumonia because your dimwit self didn’t bother to see a doctor for treatment. Now, you are in a hospital with tubes coming out of every orifice.
Why is Regular Pnuemonia so Dangerous?
Unlike walking pneumonia, regular pneumonia progresses like wildfire, especially in compromised individuals such as Gam-Gam, babies or those with immune systems on the brink. The quick on-set can lead to serious complications if not treated promptly. If untreated or treated late, regular pneumonia can cause nasty fluid build-up in the lungs or abscesses of gooey pus. If you remember from health class, which I know you don’t, pus is composed of bacteria destroying white blood cells and neutrophils whose killing action causes death to surrounding tissue, causing pus to develop. The buildup of fluid and abscesses restricts breathing, causing you to basically drown in your own body.
How to Protect Yourself
If you think you have walking pneumonia, please go see a doctor right away. I had bronchitis once and didn’t bother to go see a doctor and ended up with regular pneumonia. That was one of the most painful experiences I have ever had.